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Whiting Farms

Whiting Feathers & Hackles
Whiting Farms - From the mid 1960’s until 1989 Henry Hoffman of Warrenton, Oregon devoted his life to producing the best dry fly hackle in the world. His primary motivation was an all-consuming, life-long love of fishing. As an offshoot to this intense interest in fishing Henry also learned to tie flies, often by taking apart lost flies he found on the stream bank while out fishing.Fortunately (for himself and the world) Henry was born into the right situation. His parents had a small meat chicken breeding operation in California, so Henry grew up learning the basics of breeder selection and poultry husbandry. After a stint in the military, Henry settled in Oregon and made his living tying fishing flies commercially, predominantly dry flies.In the 1960’s good quality feathers for tying dry flies were nearly impossible to obtain and tiers had to rely on very poor quality capes imported from India or China - basically pelted village chickens. In addition, the black and white barred pattern feathers, called grizzly, did not exist in the village chickens, thus major fly patterns which required grizzly hackle garnered a premium price. Therefore, Henry set out in the mid 1960’s to find grizzly chickens to raise for his own tying needs and potentially to develop into a marketable genetic hackle line. He searched amongst the county fairs and poultry fanciers in the Pacific Northwest and finally found an exceptional trio of Barred Plymouth Rock bantams. Incredibly, they exhibited excellent (for that time) dry fly capes and also a respectable dry fly saddle. By Henry’s own estimation these initial birds saved him 10 years of development; and he was off and running.
Whiting Fly Tyers Variety Pack
Whiting Fly Tyers Variety Pack - A mixed pack of Both Hen & Cock, Neck & Saddle hackles. Dyed and Natural. The Whiting Fly Tyers Variety Pack was developed to offer a low-cost, superior-quality product for the budget-minded fly tier.
Each Fly Tier's Variety Pack contains 22 total trim pieces of equal mix; Grizzly, Natural & Vibrant coloured feathers, with no repeating colours ensuring each pack is truly unique. Whiting hand select every piece that goes into the Fly Tier's Variety Pack ensuring full feather trims with no sharp edges. The fly tier is assured to get maximum value for a minimum price with the Variety Packs.

Whiting Fly Tyers Variety Pack contents:- American Rooster Crests (best for saltwater and large streamers) - American Rooster Cape Trims (best for streamer, pike, saltwater flies) - American Hen Cape Trims (best for poppers and small streamer/salt flies) - Whiting Rooster Cape Trims (best for poppers and small streamers) - Whiting Hen Cape Trims (best for muddlers, streamers and wet flies) - Hebert-Miner Rooster Cape Trims (best for long streamers of any kind) - Hebert-Miner Hen Cape Trims (best for muddlers, streamers and wet flies) - Spey Rooster Cape Trims (marabou replacement, excellent streamer material) - Spey Hen Cape Trims (marabou replacement, excellent streamer material).
GBP 25.67
Whiting Whole Cock Necks (Bronze Grade)
Whiting Whole Cock Necks (Bronze Grade) - Probably the best dry-fly hackles in the world. Neck capes contain a full range of sizes down to size 26.

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GBP 97.27
Whiting Half Cock Necks (Bronze Grade)
Whiting Half Cock Necks (Bronze Grade) - Probably the best dry-fly hackles in the world. Neck capes contain a full range of sizes down to size 26.

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GBP 55.37