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Leeda Profil Tippets, Leaders & Casts

Leeda Profil Tapered Leader Cast
Leeda Profil Tapered Leader - Cast, super strong stiff butt sections tapered through to a very fine & delicate point. Using these Leeda Profil Casts will benefit the Fly fishing Angler by turning over your fly smoothly when casting, creating a much more precise & softer landing on the water surface which will result in more takes.
SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE troutcatcher DEAL - Buy minimum 10 'Leeda Profil Casts' (Dry or Dropper or Selecta) you'll qualify for one to be fully discounted. Detail & Terms.
Leeda Profil Casts - a troutcatcher TOP SELLER for decades.
Leeda Profil Casts - Dry Tapered Tippets
Leeda Profil Casts - Dry Tapered Tippets are regarded as some of the finest tapered tippets available to buy in the fly fishing world. Leeda Profil produce these tippets with a super strong stiff butt sections running through to a very fine and delicate point. These properties allow your fly to turnover smoothly when casting to create a much more precise and softer landing on the water surface which will result in more takes.

 - Buy minimum 10 'Leeda Profil Casts - Dry Tapered Tippets' you'll qualify for one to be fully discounted. Detail & Terms
GBP 2.97
Leeda Profil Casts - Selecta
Leeda Profil Selecta Casts, choose from three different breaking strains, these Profil Selecta Casts have a larger diameter butt (50% heavier than other similar leaders) with a steeper taper profile. The advantage to the fly fisher is a better fly presentation and smoother turnover. The leader is also an impressive 15ft long so you can tailor the length to your personal requirements.

SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE troutcatcher DEAL - Buy minimum 10 'Leeda Profil Casts - Selecta' you'll qualify for one to be fully discounted. Detail & Terms.
GBP 2.97
Leeda Profil Casts - 2 Droppers
Leeda Profil Casts - 2 Droppers, choose from five different breaking strains, these Profil Dropper Casts are 9ft in length with 2 droppers ready tied for presenting a team of three flies, perfect for a team of Dries, Wet's or nymphs.

SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE troutcatcher DEAL - Buy minimum 10 'Leeda Profil Casts - 2 Dropper Leaders' you'll qualify for one to be fully discounted. Detail & Terms
GBP 2.67
Leeda Profil Casts - Salmon
Leeda Profil Casts - Salmon, choose from three different breaking strains, these Profil Salmon Casts are 9ft long, knotless double tapered fly leaders. The loops of the casts are colour coded to quickly identify the point size.
Leeda Profil Casts are regarded as some of the finest tapered tippets available to buy in the fly fishing world. Leeda Profil produce these tippets with a super strong stiff butt sections running through to a very fine and delicate point. These properties allow your fly to turnover smoothly when casting to create a much more precise and softer landing on the water surface which will result in more takes.
GBP 2.97
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