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Fly Tying Dubbing Dispensers

Fly Tying Dubbing Dispensers at Troutcatchers

- Unveil an array of

Fly Tying Materials

to Craft Your Fishing Flies Effortlessly. Select from a Range of 4,000 Premium Fly Tying Materials and Fly Tying Tools sourced from Leading Global Brands like

Veniard Fly Tying


Turrall Fly Tying

, and more.
Veniard Slf 2 Dispenser
Veniard SLF 2 Dispenser - A mix of 12 of the brighter more vibrant SLF colours.
GBP 24.67
Veniard Slf 1 Dispenser
Veniard SLF 1 Dispenser - The first and most popular of the Synthetic dubbings. Its translucence will add life to any fly.
GBP 24.67
Saltwater Slf Blends Dubbing Dispenser
Saltwater SLF Blends Dubbing Dispenser - 12 Blended colours specifically designed for saltwater flies.Pearl, Sand, Tan Watery Olive, Smokey Olive, Fl. Chartreuse, Fl. Yellow, Fl. Red, Root Beer, Soft Shell, Fl. Orange & Burnt Orange.
GBP 24.67
Natural Furs Dubbing Dispenser
Natural Furs Dubbing Dispenser - Contains Light Hares Mask, Dark Hares Mask, Olive Hares Mask, Muskrat, Mink, Coyote Mask, Camel, Australian Opossum, Fox Squirrel, Grey Squirrel & Pine Squirrel.
GBP 27.17
Kaufmann Slf Blend Dubbing Dispenser
Kaufmann SLF Blend Dubbing Dispenser - 12 Colours created by Randall Kaufmann. Golden Stimulator, Black Stimulator, Flame Stimulator, Wine Mini Leech, Tan Scud, Olive Scud, Brown Olive Dragon, Olive Stone, Tan Stone, Golden Stone, Browne Stone & Black Stone.
GBP 24.67
Hare Dubbing Dispenser
Hare Dubbing Dispenser - 12 colours of hare fur dubbing, a classic standard dubbing blended with SLF. This dubbing has a wide range of uses from large buggy patterns to small nymphs, Emergers & gold heads.Hare dubbing colours included; Light olive, Green Olive, Dark Olive, Brown Olive, Golden Olive, Orange, Red, Claret, Black, Grey, Med Brown, Natural, Hare.
GBP 21.67
Glister Dubbing Dispenser
Glister Dubbing Dispenser - The best synthetic dubbing. A fantastic product from Veniard.
GBP 21.17
Antron Dubbing Dispenser
Antron Dubbing - A Great Value soft and translucent synthetic dubbing dispenser from the popular brand - Veniard.
GBP 13.07
Whitlock Slf Mix Dispenser
Whitlock SLF Mix 1 or 2 Dispenser - Box 1 (Mix1): Scud & Shrimp Grey, Scud & Shrimp Olive, Scud & Shrimp Orange/Pink, Scud & Shrimp Tan, Sowbug Grey, Sowbug Tan, Red Fox Squirrel Abdomen, Red Fox Squirrel Thorax, Damsel Tan, Damsel Olive, Dragonfly Dark & Dragonfly Olive.

Box 2 (Mix 2): Brown Stone, Dark Stone, Hellgrammite, Sculpin Olive, Sculpin Golden Brown, Minnow Gills, Minnow Body, Stonefly Gills, Crayfish Orange, Crayfish Sandy Grey, Crayfish Brown & Golden Stone
GBP 24.67
Superfine Dubbing 1 Or 2 Dispenser
Superfine Dubbing 1 or 2 Dispenser - A permanently waterproofed extra fine material that makes really tight bodies.

Superfine Box 1: Brown, Blue Dun, Blue Winged Olive, Amber, Light Cahill, Hendrickson Pink, Pale Evening Dun, Olive, Adams Grey, Brown Olive, Mahogany & Black.

Superfine Box 2: Blue Winged Olive, Golden Olive, Fl. Chartreuse, Sulphur Orange, Pale Yellow, Pale Morning Dun, Tan, Cinnamon Caddis, Grey Olive, Brown Olive, Dark Tan & Rusty Brown.
GBP 19.67
Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing Box
Frankie McPhillips Traditional Irish Dubbing box - Frankie McPhillips Irish dubbing dispensers. 4 boxes available each containing 12 colours taken from his Irish Dubbing collection (a total of 48 colours), also available individually in packets.
GBP 26.07
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