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Ratings and Reviews for  Turrall UV Killer Fritz

Product Rating
3 / 5
4499-Select Colour: : 4499-Black
Good for blobs.
Denis S. 1/31/2018 at 17h39
3 / 5
4499-Select Colour: : 4499-Golden Olive
Strands are longer than expected. Main core is quite thick. Struggle to tie onto anything smaller than a size 10 hook.
Caz R. 5/10/2016 at 10h42
Thank you for your review,UV Killer Fritz comes in 15mm long fibres as stated in the description. They are designed for lures and would agree nothing much smaller than a #12 - #10 hook which is the size Turrall use for their famous Kennick Killer Flies.
Troutcatchers 5/10/2016 at 19h09
3 / 5
4499-Select Colour: : 4499-Olive
Strands are longer than expected. The main core is quite thick. Not good for smaller flies. Struggled to tie onto anything smaller than a size 10 hook.
Caz R. 5/10/2016 at 10h42
Thank you for your review,UV Killer Fritz comes in 15mm long fibres as stated in the description. They are designed for lures and would agree nothing much smaller than a #12 - #10 hook which is the size Turrall use for their famous Kennick Killer Flies.
Troutcatchers 5/10/2016 at 19h09