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Cock Pheasant Long Brown Rump

(Code: 1586)
£ 3.17
8 In Stock

Cock Pheasant Long Brown Rump fly tying material

 supplied to troutcatchers from Veniard, a top quality fly tying product.

Cock Pheasant Long Brown Rump, found on the lower rump of a ring necked pheasant, heron like (good substitute). They dye nicely, used as front hackle on salmon flies and streamers. Supplied in a 2gram bag from Veniard, The Cock Pheasant Long Brown Rump feathers are about 6-9 inches long.

Cock Pheasant Long Brown Rump
just one of over 4,000 quality Fly Tying Materials & Fly Tying Tools that troutcatchers have in stock, order with confidence being assured of a 5 Star Service and Price Guarantee.