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Ratings and Reviews for  Gallows Tool

Product Rating
2 / 5
On the face of it this is good value. It seemed a good alternative to making one. What it lacks is adjustability. The spring needs to be above the fly, and that depends upon the distance between the vice stem and the hook - they all vary. In my case the spring is WAY beyond the hook (on both my vices). I may be able to modify it in some way, so maybe all is not lost - perhaps I can make a top fitting that slides on the wire.
John O-C. 5/12/2020 at 08h13
3 / 5
Doesn't fit all vices , check beforehand.
Simon G. 6/8/2017 at 00h17
Thank you for your review, if your stem is no thicker than 95mm then it will fit.
Troutcatchers 1/12/2018 at 11h13